About Us

suited and booted and ready to rumble!

Simon cut his teeth as a street artist in Covent Garden way back in the 1980s and has been a full time professional ever since.
Sheba was one of those kids that would draw on the walls if her mum ran out of paper but became a pro literally overnight in 1991- one day working as lifeguard, next day drawing at parties and events and has never looked back since.
Since then our work has taken us all over the world, one day drawing royalty at the Bahrain Grand Prix, the next drunken party goers at a raucous east end boozer! And we love them all!
When we're not doing that we have a fully equipped studio and spend our time producing illustrations and artwork for pretty much everything.
We can't show everything we've done over the years here but have a look at our gallery to get an idea of the range of work over the years.
Or check out our instagram link above for the most recent additions to the portfolio
If anything inspires you then get in touch.

Here you can see random examples of Sheba's work from over the years to inspire or just amuse you.

ere you can see random examples of Simon's work from over the years to inspire or just amuse you.