Welcome to Bitter & Twisted
The web site of husband and wife caricaturists Simon and Sheba Cassini
Simon is the Twisted half of the duo. Sheba, naturally, is Bitter.
We live on a little island on the Thames, Eel Pie Island, (famous for hosting a music venue in the 60s where bands including The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and Rod Stewart all cut their teeth) in a quirky little wooden house, the Loveshack, with Burni The Arsonist's Cat for company.
And we have both been full time professional caricaturists for... well... ever! Whatever you want we can probably do. Party and event cartoonists, Caricatures and illustrations for all occasions. We draw anything on everything!
About Us

Studio Commissions
You and your wife? And the dog? The whole family? Or the entire team? We can do them all. Numbers no object.
Or are you needing illustrations for your web site, new book, presentation?
Yes we can!

We offer the full range of wedding artwork. From place names, invitations and favours to entertainment on the day.
We can draw all your guests - up to 120 - on one big board. Something hardly anyone else in the UK can offer.
Or individual caricatures done either the old fashioned way of pen and paper, or digitally on an iPad, or our unique speciality, the mini badges, magnets and mirrors.

Party Cartooning
With over 30 years of experience we can do it all. Birthdays, corporate social events, barmitzvahs, networking and team building days... you name it. We can be part of any occasion.
We go for a cheeky humorous style and have personalities to match. Always guaranteed to break the ice and get your guests laughing from the start.